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Site Policy

April 1, 2020

This site is operated in accordance with the following terms of use for the purpose of providing information on the Northern Territories Issue Association (hereinafter: “the Association”).
Any user who accesses and uses this site is deemed to have agreed to this site policy.
This site policy is subject to change without notice, and any change will be announced on this site. A user who accesses and uses this site for the first time after a change is deemed to have agreed to the changed site policy.

Site Operation

Please note that URLs other than that of the top page may be changed without notice, and the system may be suspended without notice on this web server.


Linking to this site may be made without permission. However, linking from websites for the purpose of profit, from those that the Association deems to slander others or other organizations or to violate human rights, and from those that are against public order or morals is not permitted.
Do not set up a link such that this site is incorporated into another site, such as in a frame, but be sure that this site is displayed in a new window.


Every item of information on this site is subject to copyright, and the site as a whole is also subject to copyright as a compilation. Copyright is protected under the Copyright Act of Japan and international treaties. All or part of this site may be cited, reprinted and/or reproduced by properly citing the source. However, citations, reprints, or reproductions that change the content of the text are not allowed. In addition, the Association may refuse use that it deems inappropriate.


The Association exercises extreme care in maintaining the accuracy of the information on this site and in taking security measures, but it shall not guarantee that all possibility of content error due to force majeure, including alteration by a third party, will be eliminated. The Association shall assume no responsibility for any damages arising from the use of this site or the information on this site by the user.
This site may link to other websites. Sites to which the user moves are not managed or operated by the Association, and the Association shall assume no responsibility for the reliability of that content.


In the use of this site, the following are prohibited: the violation of laws or regulations as well as public order or morals, the infringement of or damage to the property or privacy of the Association or a third party, the unauthorized access or transmission of large amounts of information to this site, the use or provision of harmful programs such as computer viruses, and acts that may have these risks or acts that the Association deems inappropriate.

Governing Law and the Court of Jurisdiction

Unless otherwise specified, the use of this site and the interpretation and application of this site policy shall be governed by the laws of Japan. All disputes arising from this website, unless otherwise specified, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in the first instance.
